
A platform for
sales professionals.

  • Free sales courses.
  • Safe training environment.
  • Marketplace with secure payments.
What we do

We build web apps that empower salespeople.

Founded in Delaware USA, Salesagent Inc. builds and operates the technology that powers salesagent.com.

At Salesagent, we are both salespeople and engineers at heart.

Our mission is to make sure that our sales platform keeps growing and remains at your service at all times.

Our commitment

We'll put your success
before ours.

Focus on sales

Our goal is to provide the best training, tools and network for sales professionals.

Staying focused on sales is a big step in this direction.

Easy to use

Salesagent has been built from the ground up with you, the user, in mind.

All our app features are built with a focus on sales and ease of use for everyone.


Our users and partners can rely on 24/7 business and technical assistance.

Our team of support engineers has a permanent local presence in most timezones around the world.

Our team

Team of professionals


Jane Cooper

Head of PR department


Guy Hawkins

Head of marketing


Martha Winter

Data analyst


Robert Fox



Michelle Yang

CEO, Founder


Albert Flores

Art director


Our clients love Salesagent.

Lilianna Bocouse

Ermina Mesic

Sales Director, Intermino

Intermino is a technology consulting company. We are under daily pressure to identify and engage with new clients around the world.

Salesagent has helped us grow our sales pipeline by 150% within three months. Today, we have a steady inflow of sales qualified leads.

Contact details

We are at your service 24/7.



Opening hours

  • Mon - Fri
  • Sat - Sun

Legal framework

See our terms of service, policies and code of conduct.

View legal framework

Support center

Our support center is available 27/4.

Open support center

Partner program

See how we can partner to deliver services together.

View partner program


salesagent™ is a registered trademark in multiple juristictions.

Work with us

Our services

Market shares analysis

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Marketing and branding

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Strategy development

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Email marketing

Adipiscing posuere dui, amet, augue nisl dictum justo enier sed neque congue non quam ultrices interdum vitae vestibulumaute irure dolor in reprehenderit in.

Working on communication

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Business copywriting

Massa morbi duis et ornare urna dictum vestibulum pulvinar nunc facilisis ornare id at at ut arcu integer tristique placerat non turpis nibh turpis ullamcorper est porttitor.

Company values

We value transparency,
customer success and equality.

Nicolas Black

Dušan Vlajković

CEO, Salesagent Inc.

Our focus here at Salesagent Inc. must be on bringing success to our users, not ourselves.


Transparency in everything we do

Salesagent Inc. is a fully digital company, and our platform is built to ensure transparency in everything we do.


Focus on customer success, not our own

Our people, processes and technology are focused on making sure our users have a simple and safe place to do business.


Equal opportunities and inclusion

Spanning across continents, countries and cultures, we employ talented individuals without discrimination.

Ready to join Salesagent?

Sign up for free